The Fear of God Pt. 2
God is a loving God– not only that but He is love. But it’s not the whole picture. To have a full understanding of God’s nature, we need to understand both the sternness and the kindness of God. To have a right relationship with God, we need to love Him and fear Him.There’s a passage that should be a real reality check for us.

The Fear of God Pt. 1
God is a loving God– not only that but He is love. But it’s not the whole picture. To have a full understanding of God’s nature, we need to understand both the sternness and the kindness of God. To have a right relationship with God, we need to love Him and fear Him.There’s a passage that should be a real reality check for us.

Left-Brain vs. Right Brain
Many marriages fail because someone stopped intently listening, or someone stopped intentionally speaking and/or speaking with intention. But a big part of communication happens in ourselves.

Faith-Based Vision
We need to ask ourselves, do we want what we want, or are we seeking after what God wants? “Seek the Lord while He may still be found” (Isaiah 55:6).

One Nation, Under God - Part 3
So when you pray about the elections, do not just pray for who gets into office. Pray for the heart of our nation, that we have a heart after God’s own heart. Pray that His will be done in this nation.

One Nation, Under God - Part 2
Who I vote for or even if I vote has nothing to do with whether I am a born again Christian. “But Pastor, aren’t you proud to be an American?” I am! Nevertheless, not nearly as proud as I am to be a Citizen of Heaven.

One Nation, Under God - Part 1
America is “one nation, under God,” but I’ve found neither of those statements to be quite accurate lately. The “under God” part is clear to see...

What Would Jesus Say About "Black Lives Matter?" - Part 2
When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples he was taking on the form of a servant. He was walking in complete humility. This is our Lord whose Father was the King of the universe.

What Would Jesus Say About "Black Lives Matter?" - Part 1
Today we are going to engage with a topic that is on many of our minds and lips: Black Lives Matter. How would Jesus engage the Black Lives Matter movement?

Mask Mandates: A Timely Issue, Part 3
So many are asking, “What about my rights?” and forgetting to ask, “What is right according to God?” Our calling is not to fight for our rights, but to walk in love and share our faith.

Mask Mandates: A Timely Issue, Part 2
Jesus is saying, “Do not fret over things like paying taxes and wearing masks. They are minor in comparison to the mandate I am giving you, which is to spread my message to the ends of the earth.”

Mask Mandates: A Timely Issue, Part 1
A friend asked me a series of questions the other day: “Would Jesus wear a mask?" There is a lot of questions, worry, and confusion circulating right now. A lot, a lot of opinions floating around. I see a lot of believers trying to figure out what truth the Bible has to offer about current events.